This article is for you if you have a mobile home with a roofless porch and want to add a roof to it. That’s because here we’ll explain to you how to attach a porch roof to a mobile home?

Attaching a porch roof to a mobile home requires following some steps. And insufficient knowledge on this process will surely give you improper attachment. And I guess you are in lack of a complete guideline on it. 

Nothing to worry about. Let’s check out the whole step by step procedure attaching the porch roof to a mobile home.

Attach A Porch Roof To A Mobile Home

How to Attach a Porch Roof to a Mobile Home?

You can’t utilize the porch effectively if it doesn’t have a roof, especially in rainy or hot weather. You may use your porch as a living room and relax beneath it to enjoy the weather in any season.

You must verify the local building codes in your location before adding a porch roof. Then you have to determine the porch level and the dimensions of your home and current roof where you wish to install your new roof. There are also some other important steps to follow for making the complete frame of your porch roof.

Now we’ll tell you how to connect the porch roof to a mobile home in the most economical and simple way possible.

Step 1: Check the Building Codes in Your Area

Verify your local building codes (to rebuild, renovate, or build dwellings, residents in that region must follow a set of rules) before beginning your project. Different areas have their own set of rules and regulations to follow. 

Before any building activity may begin in many locations, authorization is required. If this is the case, make sure you obtain authorization from the local authorities in your region. So, before you install the porch roof, double-check these.

Make a blueprint for the type of roof you want and write down the dimensions of all the materials you’ll need to construct it. It will make the process of designing much easier.

Step 2: Examine the structure of your current home and roof

To support the extension’s roof, your current roof must be sufficiently strong to prevent future damage. That is why it is vital to evaluate the home and current roof.

If your house and roof structure are already in poor condition, you should renovate your home first. Then you may construct any additional roof you desire. So don’t miss this step and make sure you thoroughly assess your home and existing roof.

Step 3: Check the level of the porch

Check to see if the level of your porch is even or uneven. Your porch must be level in order to build a sturdy porch roof.

If it isn’t even, correct it before proceeding with the project; otherwise, missing this step might endanger the entire project.

Step 4: Check whether the supporting pillars are being constructed

Supporting pillars are divided into two categories-simple posts and columns.  Install whichever sort of post you’re comfortable with.

The extension as a whole is supported by posts. It’s difficult to build a porch roof without supports. 

Mark the area where the posts will be placed, then dig holes in the indicated location for the posts to be placed in using concrete mixture. Allow it to sit until the mixture has dried.

Attach A Porch Roof To A Mobile Home [Step-By-Step Guide]

Step 5: Put the Valley Board in Place

Various sorts of designs need various numbers of valley boards. To avoid leaks, connect the valley boards to your current roof with roofing cement.

Roofing cement is not the same as regular cement; it is exclusively used for roofing.

Step 6: Put the Topped Plate on

The valley boards have already been connected to the existing roof. It’s now time to put the top plate on.

To ensure a proper connection with the top plate, measure each dimension of your supporting post.

Mobile Home  Porch Roof Attach

Step 7: Put the Rafters Over

Metal brackets or the birdsmouth joint method are used to secure the timber rafters.

The rafters will be fixed to the valley board on one side and linked to the top plate and supporting pillars on the other.

Step 8: Protect the roof with plywood and shingles coverings

You now have a full roof frame for your porch. Simply cover it with plywood and shingles, layer – by – layer.

To enhance the appearance, first cover the roof sheathing with ½ inch thick plywood, then put the shingles to the sheathed roof.

Mobile Home  Porch Roof Attach


I hope you found this information useful. Now you know how to attach a porch roof to a mobile home.

To create a great porch roof with your mobile home, make sure to follow the step-by-step instructions. Don’t skip any steps, otherwise you’ll have to redo the whole thing.

Work with caution. Best wishes.


As a civil engineer and roofer, I love to share the experience that I have gained through the last couple of years. In the roofing industry, practical experience is a very crucial fact that can help you a lot. Hence, I want to help you with my blog.

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