Pyramid roofs are aesthetically pleasing as well as they are durable. Hence, these roofs are a popular choice among people to build their summer houses, sheds, and gazebos. In case you’ve decided to build a pyramid roof,  you might wonder about how to build a pyramid roof.

Building a pyramid roof is not an easy procedure. So, even professional roofers with no prior experience in building a pyramid roof may face problems. However, it is not impossible to build a pyramid roof by yourself.

We will break down the procedure of building a pyramid roof into several steps. Hence, follow along so that you can understand the procedure clearly.

How To Build a Pyramid Roof 

Building a pyramid roof is a rather complicated task. Help from friends or family is much appreciated in this case. You will need a number of tools and materials before you get started with building your roof.

Necessary Tools and Materials

  • Measuring Tape
  • 2×6 planks
  • Hammer
  • Circular saw
  • Nails

Step By Step Procedure 

Step 1

In this step, you need to make a frame for your pyramid roof. Without a proper framing system, the roof will not last. This step is a bit elaborate. Hence, let us break this step into some parts for your better understanding.

i. Selecting the Pitch

You need to decide which pitch you will use for your pyramid roof. Picking the right pitch is important as it will ultimately determine the final length of hip rafters for your pyramid roof.

ii. Measuring and Cutting Rafters

After you have selected the pitch, you should measure the rafters. Using a measuring tape, take the measurements in accordance with the pitch you have selected.

Following the measurement, you need to cut four rafters. You can cut the rafters using a circular saw. Make sure to use the circular saw cautiously as a moment of carelessness can cause serious injury.

iii. Placing The Rafters

This part is quite complicated. So, make sure to follow it properly.

You should start by setting up two rafters opposite to each other. After you’ve done so, extend these rafters diagonally to the opposite corners. 

You need to secure the rafters together with some nails after you are done extending them.

Following that, you should set up another set of rafters. Place these rafters in such a way that the topmost parts of the rafters will butt up with the previous ones. Like the previous set, also be sure to secure these rafters with some nails.

Keep repeating the same procedure for all of the remaining rafters.

iv. Finishing the Frame

After you’ve completed all the steps above, you will see a frame for your pyramid roof. You should check whether you’ve secured all the rafters properly. In case you find some rafters not secured, drive in some nails to secure these rafters.

Step 2

You need to apply some finishing touches when you are done with making a proper frame for your roof.

There are a wide variety of accessories available for pyramid roofs. You can use some knobs, a weather vane, and even a flag if you feel like it. It’s totally up to you whether you’ll use an accessory or not.

For roof shingles, you can go with the ones best suited to your environment.

People generally tend to choose bitumen shingles as they are quite easy to work with.

Furthermore, they are durable and can withstand harsh environments. 

However, you can use transparent materials like glass or plexiglass. It depends on your choice and the amount of money you can spend on your roof.

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. How Do You Measure a Pyramid Roof?

Ans: You need to calculate the area covered by each face of the pyramid roof. The calculation for triangular faces varies from the calculation for faces shaped like parallelograms.

2. What is Roof Pitch?

Ans: Roof pitch indicates the rise of the roof in inches for every twelve inches.

3. Why might a pyramid-shaped roof be better than a flat roof?

Ans: A pyramid-shaped roof allows water to fall off quickly. Additionally, it doesn’t allow snow to build up, unlike flat roofs.


If you are determined to build a pyramid roof, we hope that we were able to help. In the guideline above, we have tried to explain the process of how to build a pyramid roof as elaborately as we could.

However, before you get started,  make sure to understand the steps as clearly as possible. If you do not understand any of the steps above, be sure to seek help from professionals.

Building a pyramid roof is exhausting. Moreover, building the roof alone is almost impossible. Taking help from someone close to you will decrease your workload a lot. We wish that you can now build a pyramid roof without any hitch.

Best of luck.


As a civil engineer and roofer, I love to share the experience that I have gained through the last couple of years. In the roofing industry, practical experience is a very crucial fact that can help you a lot. Hence, I want to help you with my blog.

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