Roofing projects often involve a simple yet crucial question: How many bundles of shingles do I need to cover a sheet of plywood?

Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a homeowner looking to understand roofing essentials, this blog will provide you with a straightforward answer, practical examples, and valuable insights to help you plan your roofing project efficiently.


Before diving into calculations, let’s clarify a few basics. Shingles are a fundamental component of roofing, and they come in bundles. Each bundle contains a specific number of shingles, typically ranging from 20 to 33 shingles, depending on the type and brand. Plywood, on the other hand, serves as the roof’s sheathing or decking, providing a solid base for the shingles.

Determining the Number of Bundles

To determine how many bundles of shingles you need for your plywood, you’ll need to consider a few factors:

  1. Shingle Type: Different types of shingles have varying coverage per bundle. For example, a bundle of three-tab shingles often covers less area than architectural shingles.
  2. Plywood Dimensions: The size of the plywood sheets you’re using will impact the number of bundles required.
  3. Roof Pitch: Steeper roofs require more shingles due to the increased surface area.
  4. Overhangs: If your roof has significant overhangs or dormers, you’ll need extra shingles to cover these areas.

Calculating Shingle Coverage

  1. Measure Plywood Dimensions: Start by measuring the length and width of a single sheet of plywood. Let’s say your plywood sheet measures 4 feet by 8 feet.
  2. Calculate Plywood Area: Calculate the area of one sheet of plywood. In this case, it’s 4 feet x 8 feet = 32 square feet.
  3. Determine Shingle Coverage: Check the packaging of your chosen shingles to find the coverage per bundle. For example, if one bundle covers 100 square feet and you have a 32-square-foot plywood sheet, you’ll need 32/100 = 0.32 bundles to cover that single sheet.
  4. Factor in Roof Features: Consider any additional roof features, such as overhangs or multiple plywood sheets, and calculate the coverage needed for each.

Practical Example

Let’s say you have a moderately pitched roof with plywood sheets measuring 4 feet by 8 feet. You’ve selected shingles that provide 100 square feet of coverage per bundle.

  • Plywood Area = 4 feet x 8 feet = 32 square feet per sheet
  • Shingle Coverage = 100 square feet per bundle

Now, you want to cover your entire roof, which measures 1,600 square feet. To find out how many bundles you need:

  • Total Roof Area = 1,600 square feet
  • Bundles Needed = Total Roof Area / Shingle Coverage per Bundle = 1,600 / 100 = 16 bundles

So, you would need approximately 16 bundles of shingles to cover your entire roof.


Calculating the number of bundles of shingles needed to cover a sheet of plywood involves straightforward math. Consider the type of shingles, plywood dimensions, roof pitch, and any extra features to ensure accurate calculations for your roofing project.


Understanding how many bundles of shingles you need for your plywood sheets is a practical skill for anyone embarking on a roofing project. By following the simple steps outlined here, you can confidently plan your project and ensure you have the right amount of materials to get the job done effectively.


As a civil engineer and roofer, I love to share the experience that I have gained through the last couple of years. In the roofing industry, practical experience is a very crucial fact that can help you a lot. Hence, I want to help you with my blog.

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